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The Wynd Centre provides a variety of services and facilities to many of Paisley and Renfrewshire's mutual aid and self help groups.
Formed in 1984 by St John's Church of Scotland, School Wynd Congregational Church and Orr Square Church of Scotland, and joined later by Paisley High Church of Scotland. At the Wynd Centre you will find a variety of different types of venue available for hire. Whether it is for a theatrical production, ceilidh, meeting or whatever then we feel sure that we will be able to meet your needs. Within the Centre you will find various types of lettable accommodation such as the 200 + seat auditorium, halls, and meeting rooms that will suit just about any requirement. We can provide your function/meeting with teas and coffees or of course you can always visit our Coffee Shop during the day.
Meeting rooms
In the table below, you can hover over the underlined room names to see a photo of that room.
We'll negotiate a deal with this venue on your behalf, for free.
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